Terms and Conditions | Chartered Institute of Brewers and Distillers Skip to main content Skip to footer

Terms and Conditions

Examination, Course and Programme Terms and Conditions

1. All examination, course and tutorial bookings must be made and paid for online by companies with whom the CIBD has existing invoicing agreements. Where there are existing invoicing agreements registrations are not confirmed until the CIBD has received payment (or PO numbers in cases where we have agreed payment by invoice). If you are unsure if your company has an arrangement with the CIBD please contact accounts@cibd.org.uk for help.

2. If you are applying for an examination, course and/or a tutorial on behalf of someone else, it is your duty to make them aware that you are providing their personal data to us. Our lawful basis for processing this data is that it is ‘necessary for the performance of a contract, or to take steps to enter into a contract’, as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018.

3. If you wish to pay for an examination, course and/or programme for someone else, the MyCIBD account and registration must be set up and completed by the candidate using their own contact details and agree to the terms and conditions attached to the registration process. Your payment details can be entered during ‘check out’ when payment is required.

4. Upon successful completion of registration and payment, candidates will be sent a confirmation email and a link to the learning materials. The CIBD Fees further sets out what is included.

5. Changes to your personal details must be updated by logging to your MyCIBD account.

6. Examination candidate changes or substitutions are not permitted for any booking once the registration process is completed.

7. Exam candidates are reminded that CIBD Examinations are based on the contents of each syllabus which can be accessed on the CIBD's website and are subject to the CIBD Examination Regulations.

For terms and conditions and information about the advertised fees, refunds and deferrals, please refer to the CIBD fees.

Change of Exam date

Changes of exam date are permitted to the next exam sitting when requested 10 weeks before the start of an examination cycle.

Change of exam date requests after this period will only be considered for emergency medical or exceptional circumstances*, for which you will be required to provide formal evidence.

Accepted deferrals are always limited to one time only and for the next available Examination date for the same Module.

All deferrals are subject to an administration fee. Please see our Deferral Policy for full information.

Please contact examinationboard@cibd.org.uk for your requests.

*When considering exceptional circumstances CIBD will apply the rule of forces majeure.

1. Changes to your personal details must be updated by logging into MyCIBD.

2. In agreeing to these terms and conditions you are also agreeing to the following policies:

a. Privacy Policy of the CIBD

b. CIBD Fees


Exam candidates should note that the CIBD has the right to request delegate names from CIBD providers subject to requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Membership Terms and Conditions

1. All membership applications must be made and paid for online with the exception of companies with whom we have existing invoicing agreements. Where there are existing invoicing agreements, provisional membership is not confirmed until we have received payment (or PO numbers in cases where we have agreed payment by invoice). If you are unsure if your company has an arrangement with us please contact us for help via accounts@cibd.org.uk 

2. Once payment is confirmed provisional membership will be granted with all benefits excluding the right to vote. Once membership is approved by the CIBD Council then full membership will be granted which will include voting rights.

3. The subscription year runs from the date the member joins and continues for a year.

4. It is a condition of membership that the applicant agrees to and abides by the Byelaws of the CIBD to be found here.

5. It is a condition of membership that the applicant agrees to abide by the code of professional conduct of the CIBD as follows:

a. Members are expected to uphold the reputation of The CIBD at all times.

b. All Members of The CIBD are required to:

i. Use their professional skill and judgement to discharge their professional responsibilities with integrity.

ii. Serve as an example to other Members and the public in general.

iii. Have regard to the interests and wellbeing of customers, colleagues and the public in general.

iv. Do all in their power to ensure that their activities do not put others at risk.

v. Be objective and give the best advice possible when called upon for a professional opinion.

vi. Never engage in corrupt practices.

vii. Further the interests and maintain the dignity and welfare of The CIBD and the Fermentation Industries and associated industries.


Candidates should note that the CIBD examination regulations permit the CIBD to request delegate names from CIBD Accredited Tutors subject to requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.

When you register for a tutorial, course or examination with the CIBD, we will process some or all of the following personal data so that we can provide our tutorials, courses and Examinations to you:

Name and contact details

Payment details

Date of birth

Work experience

Membership / candidate number

If you are applying for a tutorial, course and or an examination on behalf of someone else, it is your duty to make them aware that you are providing their personal data to us. Our lawful basis for processing this data is that it is ‘necessary for the performance of a contract, or to take steps to enter into a contract’, as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018.

Your payment will be processed through a third-party payment gateway Stripe: https://stripe.com/gb/privacy

You may be auto-enrolled onto our Learning Management System (LMS) so that we can provide you with access to the learning material you have paid for, which is hosted by E-learn design. You can find out more their data privacy at https://www.e-learndesign.co.uk/about/oss-and-ethics-policy/

You will be enrolled onto our Online Assessment Portal, so that we can provide you with an online assessment, which is hosted by TestReach. Your assessment will also be marked in the TestReach online platform by the CIBD Board of Examiners. You can find out more their data privacy at https://www.testreach.com/testreach-privacy

Some of your data may also be shared with the following third parties, depending on the tutorial, course or examination you have signed up to:

  • IBD Accredited Tutor;
  • A third-party Exam Centre who is hosting the exam;
  • IBD Board of Examiners.

Successful completion of some examinations may lead to:

  • Your name being published in our flagship journal.
  • Your name being shared with your regional CIBD section so that they can present you with an award at a regional event.
  • Your name being given to a printer so that an award can be personalised.

We will rely on the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest to do this, but please let us know if you would rather not have your name published or shared in this way.

We will also use the lawful basis of Legitimate Interest to contact you about similar courses/exams in the future, but please let us know if you do not wish us to do this

For more information about your rights under GDPR and how your data is being processed, please refer to our privacy policy.

For any queries relating to examination registration please contact: examinationboard@cibd.org.uk 


When you apply for Membership with the CIBD, we may process some or all of the following personal data, so that we can fulfil your membership request and to manage your membership on an ongoing basis:

·      Name and contact details

·      Date of birth

·      Payment details

·      Work experience

·      Employment/study history

·      Membership number

We use third party solutions to support some of our processes:

Your payment will be processed through a third-party payment gateway Stripe: https://stripe.com/gb/privacy 

As part of your membership package:

  • You will receive a copy of Brewer & Distiller International – your contact details will be shared with our magazine distributor Wiley for this purpose
  • You will from time to time receive administrative communications from us relevant to your membership
  • You will receive our regular e-newsletter for members delivered by MailChimp.
  • Your contact details will be shared with your local CIBD section so that they can contact you about local events.
  • Your name will be published in our list of new members in our magazine. 

Our lawful basis for processing this data is that it is ‘necessary for the performance of a contract, or to take steps to enter into a contract’, as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018, but if you would prefer to not receive our magazine or newsletter, please let us know.

We will retain your details 7 years after your membership lapses /terminates and please be aware that may contact you to ask if you would like to re-join for 6 months after lapse.  We may also contact you from time to time with surveys on our membership. We will rely on the lawful basis of legitimate interest to do these, but please let us know if you are not happy for your data to be processed in this way.

For more information about your rights under GDPR and how your data is being processed, please refer to our privacy policy. Or to contact us about GDPR: dataprivacy@cibd.org.uk